
The Angriest Baby [CLOSED]



8 Years
06-29-2017, 02:51 PM
Name: Torryn Allantide
Design: I made a mix of the two designs you provided, because I liked them both!

Gender: Male
Intelligent - As it happens, Torryn was born with a pretty good brain inside his head. It's honestly a shame that most of his potential will end up going to waste. He learns things quickly and has incredible problem-solving skills, but he doesn't exactly care enough to solve any problems but his own. So, in the end, Torryn will use his sharp wits mostly for insults, comebacks, and sarcastic remarks.

Apathetic - Seriously, this guy is the epitome of apathy. It won't take long for him to master the art of eye rolling. No doubt he inherited his laziness and general "don't give a shit" attitude from his mother. Very few things interest him, and it'll probably take a miracle to motivate him to do anything with his life.

Awkward - Torryn is the opposite of graceful. And sure, you might expect that from a pup with big, fumbling paws. But even as he grows up and all the proportions of his body straighten themselves out, he’s still going to look and feel uncomfortable in his own skin. Tripping over his own paws once or twice a day will be normal, and he’ll never possess the kind of athleticism it takes to be a skilled hunter or fighter. But eventually, he’ll stop giving a shit about that too.

Condescending - Torryn is really smart. We've already discussed that, right? And in case it wasn't already clear, he's also a jerk. Put simply, Torryn lives in a constant state of disdain and annoyance, because he is surrounded by idiots. Everyone is stupid compared to him, and while most of the time he's able to graciously put up with it, sometimes his patience wears thin and the condescending jerk inside of him comes out. And then you'll wish you had a dollar for every time he scoffed or rolled his eyes.

Sarcastic - It helps to be clever when you enjoy mocking and insulting people as much as Torryn does. Sarcasm is second nature to him, and this will become clear from a very young age. Sometimes, he lays the sarcasm on so thick that those with slower or more naive minds could miss it completely. And he loves when that happens. He thinks it's hilarious.

Cruel - Torryn has a very limited sense of humor; the only thing that makes him laugh is the misery of others. Of course, this doesn't apply to every situation... just most of them. That doesn't mean he has no heart. The heart he has just happens to be cold and hard. It might take an awful lot of love and patience to heal him and make him whole.

Sample Post:
(sample posts are hard, just sayin)

Go outside and play, they said. It'll be fun, they said. Torryn let out a little puppy grumble and kicked at a pebble, finding a good spot to plop his butt down. Why didn't they understand that he didn't want to play? Did they really expect him to romp around like an idiot, chasing butterflies and pretending he was a mighty hunter?

He tried that once, and it ended with him facedown in the dirt. Never again.

So Torryn settled for just watching his siblings play, rolling his bright orange eyes whenever one of them did something particularly stupid. But then a strange bug came buzzing around in his personal space, and he flinched, ears pinned and a growl waiting to surface. It came again, with a flash of iridescent wings, and Torryn glared as he was forced to flinch away from it again. When the little nuisance came back a third time, the boy pounced. And for the first time, he managed to be coordinated enough to actually bring down the creature that was annoying him. It was a dragonfly, and it was ugly. With a stamp of his paw, he killed it, its wings fluttering erratically and then going still. It looked so pitiful all squashed into the dirt that Torryn couldn't help laughing. Okay, maybe this outside thing was kind of fun.

Amount willing to pay for pass: I'll pay all 150 gems :)