
Little Boy King



6 Years
06-30-2017, 01:21 AM

She was on her own again and she was growing increasingly more irritated. Adra's disappearance upset her the most and her wayward daughter was beginning to get on her nerves. The most she'd seen of Aby was at the few family gatherings and at each one she'd managed to push Amon further and further into just ridding the earth of her presence. Her nose wrinkled in annoyance at that. As much as she disliked how hard Aby was making her life she couldn't figure whose disappearance irked her more. Adra's or Aby's? Adra's definitely. Her sibling knew how to behave himself. While Ana was making her own life difficult at least she knew she was around. Adra had just practically vanished off the face of the planet.

She supposed she could have stayed with Kaine when he went to visit the family, but Ana was more of a free spirit. As much as she adored her family, she couldn't be bothered to stick around for very long. There were many things to explore and it felt stagnant when she was around them, even with both litters to look over. Prya's litter were old enough to at least babysit now and were weaned, but still Ana wanted to be elsewhere. Staring at the little godlings reminded her that she had yet to have her own litter and she was in her fourth year. Her heat season wasn't letting her forget it either. Aby had been a good distraction for almost a year, but now that distraction was grown up (sort of). It seemed it was time to move on - now if only she wasn't so damn picky. She didn't want some random mortal. She wanted a God by her side but those were so far and few.

Her travels led her to a very strange place. Grapevines and trees intertwined with one another and her pale head rose towards the tree tops to find very little sunlight. The place suited her really. The drought hadn't hit this place as hard as others though she could see that some of the grapes in the higher parts of the trees closer to the sunlight were shrunken and shriveled. The ones closer to the ground were still plump and fat and others littered the ground free for anything to eat them. She took in the fruity air for a moment, enjoying the silence and the smell, before she padded on. It was nice not to have the violent rays of the sun biting into her skin for a change.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]