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06-29-2013, 03:45 AM

What was love? When the heart sang a song only the other could hear? When even in passing they were never truly forgotten and then affections still lingered in the depths of the soul? When a wolf lived by the words of another, touched forever, and forever living by that code given to them? Gender mattered not to the queen, it had never truly mattered, since she walked the world between masculinity and femininity. Perhaps that was why her heart held so many little windows. So many hearts collected in that little organ. She felt the reaction that ghosts had given her. Something primal wanted to push that reaction further. She allowed her tail to gently curl around her friend as she placed her head atop of hers. It was simple. It was nothing overly pushy but enough to test the waters further. To assess what she had already assumed could be there in the shadow of the mad woman?s broken world.

?A son, to marry a queen daughter. To secure what has been delivered. Times carry omens of darkness and the shadows of the past haunt my home. So I am ensuring that should that darkness come to life then we are some what able to face it.? she said with a soft sigh. The past was something she left alone. Each time she tried to face her own that tug, that pull, the nothingness threatened to consume her. Panic had been a friend once. Aggression the reaction to such unknowns but she had built a stable place and it pacified the edge of fear that stroked her mind. That being. The one who held her mind in check, she could feel it peering from her eyes. Always watching and waiting to pull her mind away and bring her back to a blissful ignorance. She hated that persona. She shivered at the thought but allowed the words of Ghost to fill her mind with ease.

?I am sorry for your stress. As it may, should your king refuse your leave, I will come to claim you. As I told you before. Those that I rule may come and go as they please. They may speak as they please and if they desire to leave then so be it. I will not force them to stay so long as they are members and not slaves. Your children have their own minds and their own paths to follow. Should they desire to come along then they are welcome but don?t fret if they wish to stay. A home is a hard thing to leave and normalcy is something many crave. The unknown is a tricky thing to face, I know this all to well, but it is a mother?s duty to let her children flourish into what they are meant to be. Even if we wish otherwise or desire different paths for them.? She said softly, her daughter was fine with the idea of leaving for Tortuga. When the time was right and she was of age. She would go and leave the nest and she would fret all the while but at a distance. Parenthood hadn?t been a thing she had ever hoped or desired to achieve and yet she loved her children unconditionally.