
Whispers in the Wind (joining)


06-29-2013, 04:02 AM

The avenger stood in the darkness. Eyes alight as they followed the heart that called her home. Strangers stood in waiting, always waiting, and yet it brought them joy. Strength in numbers was a key role in pack life. So the more the merrier. A promise loomed in the mind of the insane. The role of queen had been stolen by force and delivered by death as the crown sat atop her head. She had warned the heart that should he try and steal her home from under her that she would break him. Regardless of the throbbing that she felt each time he touched her she would break him if he broke her home.

It seemed he wandered towards the stranger. He was sitting, waiting; yet he never called for a single soul. The shadows that the red barked sentinels casted were clever enough to hide the monstrous frame of the woman in shadows. Violet eyes trailed him as he spoke of death and assistance. Riddles were common with in her mind. Asking but never quite asking a question and never quite answering either. Yet still giving a enough to satisfy the curiosity. Her ears strained to hear the oddity lost in the stranger?s voice. Communication without words was a hard skill to learn. She had done so, threw violence, it was her way should she chose to speak it. Kaios knew the way to her words and heart.

She could not help the desire to sooth that painful sound. It was her purpose now. to collect those that others would cast aside. To ensure they were protected and given the opportunity to thrive where others would have disregarded their oddity. She withdrew from the shadows slowly, quietly, as to not disturb the duo. She was careful not to push to hard against the ground to alter them of her presence and soon enough she was beside her male, twin violet eyes searching the stranger.

?You speak with those that protect this phantom pack. We who are dubbed the Queen and King. I hear the snap of pain in your voice. Your call would go no further then a whisper I take it. You come to the shadows seeking admittance. Well, the shadows take all those that desire them. I am Newt. This is my mate, Kaios, and before I allow you the option of joining our odd little congregation. I must request what services you bring to us in return for our protection and love. Selfishness is a thing I dislike for my heart pulls to every wolf that touches this packs soil. They are mind and I am theirs.? she stated softly. Impatience was something that needed to be tossed aside and though Kaios meant well, this wolf needed to be dealt with in a different manner. Riddles and games were a waste of time. A direct approach would fair far better for the poor soul.