
And The Song Keeps Ringing In My Head



3 Years
Dire wolf
07-01-2017, 05:26 PM

She listened and turned her head fully to her cousin. Of course she had a plan for if the mortal screwed up. A chuckle left her and she had to wonder if her cousin would oblige her the opportunity to test gravity with her servant. She wanted to see if mortals could live after a tumble down the canyon walls, and if not how big the mess would be. Of course then again the mortal would look good as a pelt lining the den of Pyralis. Oh the possibilities were endless. Just the thought of torturing her brought a smirk to Skia's lips.

The thought of a celestial spirit also made her giddy. "Did it feel as if fire touched your womb when he bred you? Or was it more subtle than that?" the question popped out before she thought about it. But she just had to know.

If they were as rare as her cousin said then perhaps she should go about things differently than her cousin. She knew the scent of female heat was strong and could sometimes bring males to her, should she let it fester. She hadn't yet but a thought crossed her mind. She looked to Pyr before she opened her mouth and gave a wry she, as if she was cooking the best plot yet. "perhaps then we should use me as a lure, trap him and as many other males like him as possible. They are bound to be drawn to a strong enough heat scent one should think. And should mortals come, let them create a blood bath for us to watch and enjoy." it was ingenious she thought. Though she had no idea what her cousin might think. "of course I'll need opinion from a trusted family member for my final selection of male, if you would do the honor, dear cousin?" she lifted her head and stretched out with her legs out behind her so her belly would touch the cool sand then.

Walk, "Talk", Think