
stomach to the floor

Gargoyle I


06-29-2013, 11:42 AM


Up until that point in the fight, Gargoyle's attacks had been straight forward, hard-hitting ones, it was no surprise, that when he pulled the feint, the she-wolf played right into paws. Her hind end swung away and she came rushing to meet him, low to the earth. When Gargoyle's head swung out of her radar, he could just glimspe the look in her eyes - the next second his fangs were locking themselves in her scruff. He didn't stop to tear or rip - he just kept running and let his momentum do the damage for him.

But to his surprise, the she-wolf who'd been running in the opposing direction didn't trip or fall or even pull him up short by sheer power, no, she started running with him, paws scrambling over the earth to keep herself somehow ahead.

He?d never seen footwork like that on a wolf so young. Impressive. If he wasn?t so set on ripping her spine from her shell, he might?ve been inclined to learn more about her and where she?d learned to fight. For her age, she was probably the best fighter he?d ever seen. She had the size, the skill, the speed, and, from what he saw in those eyes during the headlong charge, more than her share of ambition and bloodlust. In an all out fight like this, it was amazing how necessary those last two traits were, but Gargoyle had seen before how easily they could overpower and blind the inexperienced. How they could consume the head til thoughts of power and invincibility led to needless risks and stupid mistakes - like the one she was doing now.

She was playing into his hands - instead of trying to pull free to stop his attack, she was keeping herself close, keeping herself right in front of him, a perfect target for his clawing forepaws and thrashing head. If they'd been in a less open area, he could've body slammed her against a tree or a slab of stone, as it was, he was content to see her floundering to stay a few inches beyond his charging bulk. She was lucky she hadn't broken a leg already.

He felt the she-wolf twitching and twisting. He realized that her mind would go back on the offensive, and he had to take her down before she managed to get more than the flesh and fur she was chewing under his jaws. He felt her teeth on his tenderest skin and, oh, how it sent such shivers of pain and pleasure down his form. More adrenaline kicked it so that, in the next moment when everything happened too fast for casual eyes to follow, it seemed to play out in slow motion, like the rehearsal of some violent tragedy.

Gargoyle increased his speed, forelegs swinging up higher to try to claw at the fae's chest, face, eyes - whatever they could reach to deter her from snagging her precious target.

But Gargoyle, in extending his stride, made two things possible; one, it opened him up to be easier to take off balance when the she-wolf made a sweep with her paws at his injured foreleft. And secondly, he made it alot harder for the girl to keep up. When she tried to alter her position, she went down. The skin of her scruff gave way and Gargoyle was left with a mouthful of wolf's meat and a banged up leftfore.

Then came the interesting bit. Though the challenger was going down, falling, faltering, she did so slightly to his left and snapped upwards - trying to get at his undercarriage as he went by. But it was rushed at best. Perhaps if Gargoyle had tried to stop and steady himself, the attack would've landed full on, but he knew better than to try to stop his bulk cold. He let the fall take him into another earth-shuddering roll, and jackknifed back to his feet so quickly it seemed just an extension of the run. He'd turned too, so that when his last shreds of momentum slid his paws back, they were facing the downed girl.

Each wolf had come away from the clash with bloodshed, and it didn't take a mind reader to see that they were far from sated. Both wanted more carnage, more chaos. Gargoyle didn't even bother pausing long enough to spit out the challenger's scruff, he just charged back. They had landed barely a stride's distance from eachother, but that was crossed in the blink of an eye. Gargoyle's rightfore whipped out, intending that the first contact be a strike to the challenger's face. With his unnaturally long claws and muscle mass, it was possible that it could rip out an eye, but it was mainly for distraction purposes - to keep the wolf busy in that half a heart beat Gargoyle needed to pin her down. He threw his weight down again - going for her neck just below the jawline - which, if his paw had connected would be exactly where he wanted. He'd had enough of her snaking around, he'd grab this viper just behind the head so her fangs would become useless.

If he got any semblance of the hold, the next step was to show her what happens which a wolf his size takes control. His legs were planted and steady, allowing him to take full advantage of his bulk. Keeping his neck arched to avoid another go at the throat, he'd put all of his strength into smashing her into the hard frozen ground. With his power, one bash could daze, and any more could kill. He'd given her fair warning at the beginning - more than he'd done for anyone in a long time, but she'd chosen to disregard it and now mercy was off the table.

No quarter asked, no quarter given. He was finishing this.

x.x gargoyle vs. eos - round 4 of 4 x.x

attacks: aiming a swipe at Eo's head with his right fore. then, bringing his head forward to try to pin his teeth into her neck - slightly to the side and just behind her head so she can't twist back around, if this succeeds he plans on slamming her skull into the ground repeatedly to daze, and hopefully kill


defenses: again, his attacks cover some of his defenses: extending stride to claw up at her chest and/or face as he runs to protect his forward vitals. then, when his hold leaves, he uses his momentum to roll with the trip up that Eos pulled off, coming back on his paws and twisting to face her - thereby avoiding the worst of her last minute attack at his belly. When making his final attack, he keep his forepaws ready as weapons, and keeps his neck perfectly arched to protect his throat. legs spread for strength and balance.


injuries: the gash in the top half of his left foreleg (steadily getting worse as he keeps using it, but not debilitating yet). the shallow cuts above his right eye. the missing patch of skin on the upper left side of his neck. fur and skin torn from the front of his throat. gash on the left side of his belly.


notes: wow, o.o it's over. thank you to Yumpy for being such a great oppoenant ic, and a kind, polite one ooc. no matter the outcome has been fun, and helped me gain a little more experience~
