
Living like spoiled royalty



3 Years
07-02-2017, 09:24 AM

Truly, Alarik did not think he had ever met such a woman as this one. And he didn't really mean that to be a good thing. What on earth was she thinking, laying there wafting her heat around like a harlot? Alarik had never dared call a woman a harlot before, not even in his thoughts, but really. Just laying there, "placing a calling card"? It was clear that something was not quite right in her head, if she sought to mate with some sort of deity. It wasn't that Alarik didn't believe in deities. He had his own belief system. But none of those beliefs involved creatures that walked this earth and deigned to impregnant random women.

He shook his head as if to rid the thoughts, and that blasted scent, from his mind. But then she spoke again and he couldn't help looking back at her once more. If he had one positive thing to say about this woman, it would be that she knew how to use her womanly charm. Alarik was a gentleman, but he was still a man, and that whining sound she made caused his throat to tighten a bit. He gave no answer and went to move away again, which elicited an even louder and more insistent whine.

Alarik felt a bit of venom entering his voice as he replied. He needed to make it clear that this woman had no right to toy with him this way. "If I am not the powerful spirit you wish to mate with, why toy with me this way?" he asked. It was cruel, and in his opinion, completely unnecessary. Somehow he felt dirty just looking at the woman, because the longer he stayed, the more his eyes wanted to drift to the arch of her neck and the curve of her hips. He didn't like it. He wanted to get out of here.

"Are you a siren?" he asked, seemingly out of nowhere. He knew she wasn't. But if fantastical creatures really did exist on this earth, it would certainly seem to be a role she would fit into. "I know of no powerful spirits, and I do not wish to. Now if you'd be so kind as to let me take my leave," Alarik said, turning once more to leave the presence of this strange and disturbing woman.

"Talk" "You" Think