
Keep Your Eyes on Me



3 Years
07-02-2017, 09:45 AM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2017, 09:53 AM by Nevada.)
don't you see baby, this is perfection
Nevada had the day to explore by herself, it seemed. Her hummingbird companion Alma had decided that today was the day to catch up on sleep after all their days of traveling. And sure, Nevada was a little tired herself, but she was running on adrenaline. She was just so excited to be seeing all these new places! She could sleep later, when a bit of the novelty had worn off. But at this point, she wondered if it ever would. She and Alma had only been in this land a couple of days, and already she could tell that this land was vast. It would take weeks and weeks to explore it. And just imagine how excited Nevada would be when she discovered there was another whole continent to explore just north of this one!

She wanted to explore for her whole life. Until her old bones prevented her from doing so anymore. She lived and breathed for exploration, for that exhilarating feeling of discovery when you happened upon a new place. And here she was today, in another brand new place. This place fascinated her already, there were grapevines so thick the sun could hardly get through. Which would be nice, she supposed, when the temperatures got high. Her emerald eyes were bright as she took it all in. And then, a few feet above her head, she saw a bunch of the most delectable grapes she had ever seen. Oh, she just had to try them!

The earth colored vixen took a few steps back, giving herself a small running start as she leapt vertically into the air to try and snatch the bunch of grapes from its vine. But she missed, only managing to tear a smaller bunch from the rest. But that was enough to give her the taste of the sweet fruit, and she knew she wanted more. "Come on," she whispered to herself, her words lilted a bit as a result of her native accent. "PermĂ­tanme obtenerlas esta vez." She'd been so close. Nevada locked her eyes on her target, and crouched down, shifting her weight from side to side as she prepared to jump again.