
eyes closed



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
07-02-2017, 10:53 AM

Valdís was feeling the pressure more than she had at any other time to perform well. She wasn't sure if it was just because she was with Ásvor or because she felt that she'd been out of shape with her sparring. She watched as her friend set her defenses. Valdís gazed at her for a moment, assessing her defenses. "Well, you have a few of the basics down. An even stance is good and its good to have your joints loose and bent to lower your center of gravity. It makes you more stable and allows you greater movement. You'll definitely want your hackles raised and lowering your head is good to protect your throat."

Valdís moved back so she was facing Ásvor. "Go ahead and copy me as I set up mine. You've got your stance good so I'll start there." Valdís widened her stance just a bit farther than hips width apart and bent at the joints. She raised her hackles and then lowered her skull to align with her spine. There, she was caught up with Valdís. She shifted to align her tail with her spine as well. "You can tuck your tail to. I tend to be more offensive than defensive so I like to use it for balance but it can be used to protect your gut if you're fighting in close range. I broken tail is better than disembowlment." She chuckled a bit and moved on. "This is really important." She rolled her shoulders forward and scrunched her neck back. "This will help push your fur and flesh over the vitals in your neck. You can add to that by tilting your chin down to help protect your throat. Obviously these defenses will shift throughout the fight. You can't reach out and bite someone like this but we can worry about that later." She tucked her chin then moved on. She shifted her weight a bit over her legs. "You'll want to be sure you have your weight spread evenly over your limbs to give you a good solid foundation."

Valdís continued on, through all the defenses she could think of. She spread her toes, her claws biting into the earth. "This helps with traction." Pinning her ears to her head she narrowed her eyes. "You'll want to keep your ears close to your head at all times. The flap is easy to rip off and can bleed badly and get in your eyes. If you keep your eyes narrowed that can help keep dust from getting in them and also may offer some protecting if your opponent tries to fling their paws in your face. It narrows your vision though so it can have its downsides. Let's see…. oh!" Valdís wrinkled the flesh on her face as she opened her jaws. "This can help a bit. Does that all make sense? I know its a lot."

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