
When Life Becomes Un-Bear-Able [Alarik]



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
07-02-2017, 04:48 PM (This post was last modified: 07-14-2017, 04:17 PM by Pyralis.)
Navigation - Cedar Falls

Morning light broke around the rock face and Pyralis stirred, opening her golden eyes long enough to sigh heavily.  They were making food progress in their travels through Auster and had stopped to rest at the cedar falls where food and water were plentiful but Pyralis had been sleeping fitfully.  Spring would mean the salmon run and the salmon run meant bears but she could not recall how early in spring the salmon would start to spawn and it had made her uneasy.  There was that and also the fact that she was torn.  She was enjoying her time away so much she hated to go back but that made her feel even worse.  She missed her kids and wanted to check in on them and make sure they were ok.  As much as she hated to admit it worry had been gnawing at her belly for some time.  Both feelings mixed around in her head and were making it very difficult to focus.  She reached over to nudge Alarik.  "Gooooood mooooorning…." she said in a silly sing-song voice. "Good morning, I hope you're feeling swell, good morning, good morning, you look like hell!"  She let out a laugh and got to her feet to stretch.

"Talk" "You" Think
Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!