
the thrill of the hunt


06-29-2013, 01:26 PM
Hope you don't mind me joining in =)

The sounds of the night was soothing to the brown she-beast as she maneuvered through the brush, her lavender eyes scanning the night and her nose scenting for unusual scents. It was near dawn and Ramelia could see the first rays of the sun begin to lighten the star fill sky, erasing their existence till the next night. All seemed peaceful, till the earthy wolf caught the scent of a feline of some-sort on the wind and a scent of two other wolves. She paused for a moment and raised her nose to the air bringing the scents of the night.

Being a tracker, her nose was more powerful than most wolves and she could gather more information from scents than some could. Now, she could smell that the wolves were members of her new pack. One was Aria the Borealis and the other a ebony she-wolf Liste. She had not met the young black she-wolf yet but maybe today she would meet more of the pack she pledged her allegiance to. Picking her pace back up again, she tracked the too on the wind to the location they where at now, growing more and more worried as the scent of a dangerous feline got stronger as well as the scent of blood, both wolf and feline.

Coming through the undergrowth where Aria and Liste where, she gave Aria a nod of respect then let her lavender eyes scan around the area till they fell on the dead bobcat, then to where Liste laid on the ground. Ramelia trotted carefully over to he dead cat to check to see if it was dead, even though she knew Aria already checked, before going over and sitting by Liste. "Where you injured at all?" Aria asked before Ramelia could. The brown wolf let a out a soft whine, showing her concern too as she pulled back her dark brown ears. "It was a very nice kill, most of the wolves in my old pack would have would have turned tail and ran." The purple eyed female complemented Liste and smiled at her. She admired this wolf's bravery in taking on the cat alone, even if it was a small one.

"See Right Through You Any Hour..."