
Coming of Age

Rune I


5 Years
06-29-2013, 02:57 PM

Walk | "Talk" | Think

Of course she took offense. He likely would have too had he been in her position. So much for practicing his communication skills; at this rate his current company was going to abandon him to the thicket and attempt to find her own way out, regardless of the fact she was entirely lost and alone. The embarrassed yearling's blunder only made him turn his frosty blue eyes away with an inwardly directed frown and splay his ears somewhat sheepishly back, the best of an apology the pink-eyed wolf was going to get. Even without seeing her, Rune could feel her eyes digging into him, an unimpressed, offended stare to signify that she had understood him and misinterpreted his question as expected. Fantastic, Rune. Competing with Vixe for irritating a stranger the fastest now.

To her credit, however, she still answered, albeit grudgingly. Her name was Alamea, a simple yet descriptive name that Rune decided suited her, or at least what he knew of her. With the way he was going, he hardly expected to learn much more. "Rune," he answered, trying to soften his stoic tone into making up for his earlier failed attempt at teasing, "of the Tortuga." He threw out the name of his pack with a sidelong glance at Alamea, half wondering if the mention of one of the packs that inhabited these lands might jog her memory. Finding a topic that he could easily expand on, he continued, speaking mostly because he could whether Alamea showed any true interest. "It's a pack that sits on a mountain in this area. That way," he added with a quick motion of his muzzle to the left of the path they followed, the mountain hidden by the dense thicket. "Can't see it, but it's a pretty nice place I guess." In all honesty, he had known nothing else and was only beginning to understand the world around him. But he still enjoyed his mountainous home and was content to be there with those he called family.

Though he hadn't said much, it was still a lot for him, and he suddenly felt ready to relinquish the reigns of the conversation to Alamea if she wanted them. "How did you get here?" he asked cautiously, turning his head gently to glance her way. Perhaps if she could say little about her pack she could tell about her journey to getting lost in the thicket.