
When You're Strange



6 Years
07-03-2017, 08:31 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2017, 08:32 PM by Dumois.)
OOC Waring; Strong language ahead

“UGH! This is just the WORST!” He lamented, his head tilting back as he cried out into the swamp. Birds were chirping lively, flowers were in bloom, and the whole world seemed to be attesting to the gift of life now that the snow had finally thawed and winter had come to end. Spring was generally accepted as a peaceful and happy time of the year, but to the serpent king it meant only one thing; Being another year older. The idea of his vibrant fur graying and even one day developing cataracts over his extraordinary eyes had always been a reason for the usually lively priest to be concerned. His appearance was after all the most important thing into the world as far as he was concerned and the fact that it would someday lose it’s luster was nearly devastating. He had checked every inch of his fur making sure there wasn’t a white hair in sight before checking his face in one of the few clear pools of water in the otherwise murky swamp. He checked and rechecked for any sign of wrinkles before he was finally able to relax and shake out his fur. Still flawless. Spring wasn’t all bad he supposed, wolves would find it safer to travel or at least traveling through the swamp would be easier. If he was lucky he would find some other soul he could share his gift with, or maybe he would be luckier and find someone who would cozy down with him for the night.  "ɹəsıʍ ɹɐəʎ əuo ɹəpๅo ɹɐəʎ əuO" A voice- either Valentin's or Papa Legba whispered in his mind. "Oh fuck you." He grumbled in response. Even if it had been over a season ago, his last journey into the crossroads had been recent enough for the voices of the dead and the Loa to follow him into the mortal plane.

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