
World is what you make it


06-29-2013, 07:26 PM

Eren looked at the young one, yeah definitely not even an adult yet. Eren wasn't sure how to handle kids much, but it was better than nothing wasn't it. Her tail flicked as her eyes didn't move off of the brown colored female. "A jungle is a type of place where there are thick green tree's all over the place and serene rivers and lakes. There are unique types of lizards and birds there as well. It's lots warmer than here." Eren described her first home with no interest. She had left for a reason, because she simply did not understand the world, while she wanted to understand it. And she would, that was what she was keen on, surviving and learning everything there is. Even if it meant ruining the shape of her mind in the end. She closed her eyes for a moment and lowered her head into the snow, opening them to look across the wasteland of snow.
"If Aliens existed that is. I find it strange to have interest in snow." She didn't want to explain further. She kept it to herself, there was no need to say it and ruin another dreams. Snow was simply frozen water caused by constant cooling and heating in the air. Nothing magical about it, if things got too cold they froze, too hot they melted. It was that simple to the girl, Eren simply just didn't see the point of making something fake out of the world.