
Ring Around The Rosie [Nyx]



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
07-04-2017, 11:32 AM
Holy crap was this place cool! Kai was thoroughly enjoying his time in the southern continent, though he was wondering if he ought to reunite with his father again soon. His eyes grew wide as he wandered over the flat terrain, gaze dancing to and fro to settle on the stones that dappled the earth here. This place had a magical feel, and he found a grin tugging at the corners of his lips as he traveled. The air was still today, and he caught no immediate scent of strangers. Assuming he was alone here was a safe assumption, and so he traveled lightly, making no effort to conceal his presence.

"Kataja on kaunis puu, ja oksat on, kuin ruusu!" his voice boomed out loudly, the words flowing freely from his throat Sometimes he still struggled to express certain things in this tongue, since most wolves here spoke a different language and he ended up practicing that much more - but this was merely a song, and the words flowed freely from his memory. It was a song his father had sung to him before, and had struck him as particularly beautiful and he was fond of the words and their meaning.

His song was briefly interrupted as he spotted the circle of stones, his interest immediately picqued. Huh! They seemed strange, as though placed there carefully by something far bigger than wolves, something with far more dexterous appendages. Or, it was more likely that the gods were responsible, right? Humming softly, he headed closer to the strange runestones. "Hei rallati rallati rallallei, Ja oksat--" his song was cut off as he saw the form of another, partially hidden behind the stones, and his pace slowed. "Oh! I didn't see you there," Kai offered politely, though as he rounded the stones his gaze fixed on the carvings that littered the stones, surprised that this already-interesting place could get any more curious.