
Castle of glass


07-04-2017, 04:06 PM
He moved closer to where he had been before. His eye was set forward and he bore new scars, scars that he earned in a legitimate battle not some preplanned bitch fight. Enigma was going to be a hard one to get on his good side again but he didn't give two shits either way. He was Rikeros Hellstrom, son of Sin Hellstrom and friend to none. He liked to keep it that way too. His movement stopped as he scented a wall of something, a border to keep out trespassers. But it wasn't the border that caught him it was the scent under it. Ganta. So the weakling had done it huh? Wonder what he decided to call this piece of shit pack. he truly wondered about how ganta would react to him at his borders. He gave a smirk and turned before lifting his leg and marking the border himself. He figured why not cause a little unrest in the baby of a pack. He'd have to find forsaken and his elder siblings and let them know. Should the runt keep his pack going for long he'd be first on the list for a little raid, or perhaps a siege.

He turned then and moved along the border, meaning to leave more of a marking for ganta, if he had forgot Riker he'd remember him now. A dash of movement caught his eye and he lunged, a rabbit snatched up in his jaws. It's throat ripped open. He dropped it on the border and ripped open the stomach, which loosed it's infantile fetuses. He gave a chuckle at his work. He could scent pregnancy in the other Alpha's scent. This would have her freaked, he figured he'd toy with them a bit. He then moved off, leaving the way he came. He had some siblings to speak with. Even if enigma wanted him dead he would have to help tear down ganta's pack. This was a family affair that none of them could refuse.
