
It's a family affair


07-04-2017, 06:57 PM
He moved into the area after leaving the weeping woods behind, leaving ganta behind. His head was down and he could hear the pounding in his ears as his anger boiled over. He didn't give two fucks about what his older siblings thought of him, he was here to deliver a little news of their disappointing brother. He hopped up onto a boulder, before laying on it. It would help to make him stand out. His war paint was fresh again, freshener with the blood of a deer for now. It would be the blood of ganta later.

He threw his head back, summoning each Hellstrom to him. His head then leveled and he held an extreme anger in his eye. They'd likely smell the border upon his pelt. Today he would tell them his plan for the future. They could decide among themselves if they were willing to take the chance and build an army to take their brother down to where he belonged, before they dealt with those that took their home from them. Vengence would be theirs. His eye shone with his resolve. He would make his brother a slave beneath them if enigma didn't kill him first.