
Saving Me


5 Years
Athena I
06-29-2013, 09:02 PM

Meili smirked a little at the stumbling awkwardness the young wolf seemed to have. She wasn't sure if that was a normal behavior for him or something just had him flustered, but either way she thought it was adorable. She tilted her head a little at him saying he needed to clear his head. When she was his age, she didn't usually have enough to worry about to need to get away and clear her head. Well, that is until that day... she quickly pushed the troublesome thoughts away out of her head, the only outward sign of her bothered thinking just a twitch of her ear. She pulled herself back to the present and replied to his question, "Well, really, this is just kind of where I ended up. I'm always traveling and a lot of times I just run and see where I end up. I don't have a home really or any family so it's not like I have anywhere to be. Usually I don't have a willow tree deciding where I stop of course, but that's usually what I do." She gave him a little smile and added, "I'm kinda glad it did stop me though. I might not have met you otherwise."

She looked out across the water, the late afternoon sun glinting off of the small waves on its surface. The cool breeze coming off of the water ruffled her fur and she let her eyes close to enjoy it. Meili didn't stop to relax very often, but it was nice to do so with such good company. She sighed contently and opened her eyes again to look over at Gael. It wasn't often she felt so at ease with someone new like this, but he seemed so easy to trust and she felt completely relaxed with him.

She took another look at him, realizing he probably wasn't much older than when she got her scar. The scar on the back of her head ached at the memory. Again she wondered what could be causing him so much worry as such a young age. Instead of wondering in silence, she decided to do a little digging. "What would a young wolf like you be worrying about to need to come clear your head? You have way too much life ahead of you to be so concerned."