
Simple Man


06-29-2013, 09:10 PM

There were a few hot springs near the two wolves, bubbling in their own tunes like chorus girls. Aeil felt pulled in at the sight of the hot spring in front of her. An ear perked in Demonio's direction and her hypnotic gaze broke away to see him gesture an invitation. Her smile widened, she said, "Thanks, Demonio, don't mind if I do!", and then turned her gaze back to her chosen spring. Rising from her haunches, she padded to the group of springs and looked down into the bubbling water.
It was inviting, welcoming her curious gaze and body with the steam that rose into the air and near her. She wasn't too sure about it at first, due to the way it moved and danced. However, the cold breeze stroked her fur again and she couldn't stand it. One front paw rose and lightly touched the surface, testing its warmth and hoping it wasn't scorching hot. To her surprise, it wasn't that bad, making her fully convinced. Aeil's reaction was like a pup's: all three paws quickly followed and she lowered herself into the spring's depths.
She had closed her eyes, expecting to have her whole body dowsed by the water. Her paws found the bottom, however, causing her head to remain above the surface. Aeil opened her eyes and looked down. Her eyebrows rose and saw that the water stopped at the base of her neck. Warmth had spread all over and she sighed happily. Her euphoria temporarily broke and she looked at Demonio with her excited blue eyes. "This is great!" she happily exclaimed, wagging her tail beneath the water and causing ripples on the surface to appear. With ears perked and her maw halfway wet from small splashes when she stepped in, she looked like a pup to match her actions. "You should try it, Demonio." Her eyes moved to the hot springs next door, inviting just as hers had been.
