
Buried In These Walls



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
07-05-2017, 05:45 PM

His tail wagged when she said she liked the idea, and he was glad. Honestly, he wasn't sure how that idea would go, but he was glad he had mentioned it to her and she seemed to like it. So if she thought it would work, then maybe the others thought so too. Though he didn't particularly want to chase down the other healers to see what they thought, so he'd go with the notion that it simply would. After all, they had to work for their stuff one way or another. Then when she mentioned about using a system like that for the hunters and such, his head tilted in thought. "Y'know, I never thought about that...that's a good idea too though, because now there are just two ranks and those are the Fangs and Crimson fangs, our hunters. And the warriors there are four different classes, but they don't necessarily focus on experience...I should implement something for them, too. I'll look into it and see what I can do!" He nodded firmly, already ideas swirling through his mind.

She of course, seemed very pleased and excited about the idea of mentoring his younger siblings. They didn't have much to do, and he couldn't train them all by himself. His littermates didn't seem to like to interact much with their younger siblings, but it wasn't their fault. They didn't have the same father, and although the others were skeptical about their mother's late mate, it didn't mean they had to take it out on that litter. He bit back a sigh, hoping that some day...Kharn and Gryphon could see past the...well, the past. Okami and Arke were sweet and always ready to learn, brave too if he might add. Afrit was rambunctious and energetic, and the other? Well...she had been shy and kind. And he hoped she was doing okay, wherever she was. "I'm sure they'd love it. I'll find them later and send 'em your way. I think you'll get along great! Okami is pretty shy, Arke is a bit more outgoing, but overall they're both willing to learn."

He listened to her musing on his trading idea, and nodded along. "Well, medicine we won't be trading unless we have an abundance of it. And right now, we don't. So we'd have to stick to other things, maybe check out what others are looking for, and see what we got. With all the prey we find, I'm sure someone is looking for pelts or bones or...well, you never know what someone wants." Who knew, maybe there was some weirdo out there who wanted hearts or livers, maybe skin and bones from prey or even other predators. She continued to give more ideas, and he did truly like the one about having two ranks for the trading thing. One for scouts, another for actual trading. He nodded, tail wagging harder, "That's a great idea! I like that a lot...I'll definitely keep that in mind and bring it up in another meeting...though maybe later, I feel like if there's another one too soon, the pack is gonna be annoyed or somethin'." He chuckled at that thought. Annoyed by too many meetings? If it were him, he'd like to stay informed. Though he doubted everyone was like that.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.