



06-29-2013, 09:50 PM
What's Happening...?

She had heard it, the growl that seemed to last only a moment. And his words, they were just as painful. Slowly she lowered her head, dull gaze looking at her paws as he continued on. Continued to bury the stake into her heart. What truly did it, was the mentioning of his mate. Mine has always been taken -- and my mate has returned. I have found her. Her eyes went wide, body growing stiff. That was the reason, that was why he was growing distant.

Before he could finish she had pushed herself up, head still down and gaze on the ground. The fur along her nape and back had begun to rise, tail out and waving as if it didn't know what to do with itself. Too late for that... She whispered when he told her that he cared for her and didn't want her feeling like a burden. The information added a ton of weight. She had been growing these feelings, making him uneasy when his mate came back.

There was only one thing she knew to do.

Her body grew calm, tail dropping to hang limply behind her. Her head sunk lower, turning away from Bronze. He didn't think of her the way she did him, and now that she knew, she would leave him be... no matter how horrible the pain was that resulted from it. Loccian didn't want to bring anything to him that would bother him while he was reconnecting with his mate.

Good luck... with her. Her voice was void of any emotion, and with that the shewolf took the first step. She walked away from him, the feeling in her heart growing larger than before. Though he told her he wanted to be her friend, it didn't put a dent in the loneliness that sprung up and overwhelmed her.

Off into the night she went, it was the only thing she could do.

