
Right where I don't belong



7 Years
07-05-2017, 10:42 PM
Before the younger girl could answer, Sterling spotted another wolf coming their way, her emerald green eyes shifting quickly to fix on the older female. This one in particular didn't seem as carefree about her presence, although the questioning that ensued wasn't overly concerning. It was far from hostile, if a little edged with suspicion. She chuckled slightly and shook her head at the woman's concern that maybe she was diseased. "I always hide my scent when hunting," she responded casually, tail flicking as she looked over the other wolf, "Hunting alone is hard enough, without your scent giving you away." A reasonable response, something that didn't require her to go into any great detail, and that wouldn't arouse further suspicions. Unless they thought she had intended to hunt on their territory.

Before she could say anything else, Sterling was surprised to see yet another wolf coming her way.
She took a breath to calm her growing nerves. It wasn't that she thought they were going to attack her at any moment; she just didn't want them to discover anything about her identity. She needed to keep up the charade just long enough to learn something valuable about the pack and then leave without any trouble. When the wolf arrived at the border in front of her, the way she acknowledged her comrade and then commanded attention told Sterling that this was the pack's Alpha. Her words were simple but to the point. Attention now fixated on the red-marked female, her ears perked slightly at the pack's name. So this was Lirim - she would commit that to memory before focusing on the response she must offer the Alpha.

"Nothing in particular," she replied, tail flicking again as it often did when she spoke, "I was seeking prey when I came across your borders. No intention of trespassing, although I have to admit I was a little curious about what lays inside the territory... As a loner, I often consider joining a pack, but I wouldn't want to settle in a land that is too harsh. Yours looks abundant, though." She surprised herself with the way the words fell so easily from her maw. She'd considered some possible scenarios before approaching, and had thought of multiple excuses for looking overly curious about their lands, but she hadn't imagined herself speaking with such ease. Feeling relieved for the moment, she blinked as she watched the other woman's face, wondering what words would be exchanged next.