



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
07-06-2017, 12:36 AM

She remained silent while he spoke. And while she did not agree with Dragon's attempt at trying to strip Lykos of the family name, it would seem that Gryphon had other ideas. He wanted to challenge for the rights to make the family decisions, and she nearly lost it. Not in the way where she would burst in anger, but at the fact that he saw himself fit for the task. Quite frankly, he didn't deserve to. She didn't think any of the others would listen to him, and who knew what he'd try to do with that responsibility. No. He would not have it. He could challenge all he wanted, but he'd get nowhere. She wouldn't allow that unless she was dead, and she didn't plan on dying anytime soon. "If you want to try and fight for it, you can. But you won't get anywhere." She stated simply. She wouldn't say why, nor hint that the others would more than likely ignore what he tried to do should he decide he wanted to control them all. In fact, she hadn't even really tried to do any of that since she let go of Ivalice. And to top it off, Gryphon was hardly a productive member. He was a hunter, and that was it. He hunted. He called a hunt here and there, but other than that he wasn't really seen around let alone seen doing much. She knew about what had happened when Charm had offered to hunt with him, and the hostility he met her with was uncalled for.

She'd grown more serious now, the woman barely caring now as Lykos decided to leave. She wouldn't stop him. "You say I am unfit, and you think you are better for it? I don't think you are. I've seen the way you and Lykos, and even Kharnage have treated your younger siblings. No, you will not take over. I will not give you the chance to rid your siblings of their birth right just because I tried to find a life to live happily. Just because they don't have the same father does not mean they are the trash or whatever you believe them to be. I've done what I could for the good of the family, and we've come this far. If you don't like it, then you can go as well. I am tired of all the fighting and the bullshit." She was slightly taken aback by that last remark. Rarely did she ever curse, but when she did, it was for good reason. She did not feel that Gryphon would be fair. He was protective of the family, yes. But how far would that go until he decided he wanted to take full control of everything and try to do to everyone else what Dragon had tried to do to Lykos? She looked at the two for a moment before snarling and turning around. If they wanted to fight, they could fight. She was tired of trying to be a mediator for everyone and everything, because in the end, they didn't give a shit about all the things she tried to do for them. If they didn't like it, they could leave too. She. Was. Done.
"Talk" "You" Think


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