
Tell Me Again



9 Years
07-06-2017, 12:50 AM

The grin that was ever-present upon his scarred muzzle faded slightly as she mentioned that she hadn't found a trace of her father, or her kin. Internally, he groaned. Where did he begin? Why did he have to be the bearer of bad news at such a time? Before he had time to find a reply, he found himself with her tail under his chin, his eyes looking up to meet hers as she explained her disappearance during the siege. He blinked, shrugging. It was so long ago now, he no longer cared. Not to mention there was bad blood between he and Enigma now, and Hellstrom was merely a distant memory he chose to ignore. However, he wouldn't mention it, instead feigning interest in the fallen pack and the kin she still wanted to find.

As she asked about the scars he'd obtained, he tipped his head slightly. It wasn't often someone asked about them. "I acquired some from the siege," he said in short, thick tail swishing, "The rest are from some personal disagreements and scraps." Silver eyes wandered over her face, and his mind wandered back to her pressing interest in what had happened since she'd left. The banter was fun, but it was obvious that she wanted some real answers. He sighed, straightening himself up as he prepared to tell her the realities of some of the things that had happened. "Let me be honest with you," he said, his voice a low rumble, "I have some bad news for you. Your father... he was killed in a death match." He stopped there, knowing it may take her several moments to register what he'd said. He wasn't going to stand here and dump all of the bad news on her all at once. And surely she would have questions. He would wait, wondering how she would react, and wondering what he would do, whatever her reaction was.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]