
Let's Start A Riot! [Raid meeting]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
07-06-2017, 01:10 AM (This post was last modified: 07-06-2017, 03:43 PM by Dragon.)

He waited and listened as the scouts spoke, nodding and thinking. While Celestial hadn't really had anyone to back up the one little punk, Lirim had a full patrol come out when Sterling went to investigate. Sterling however, believed there was more in Lirim for them, and his mind was leaning towards that. But of course, it would slip his mind when Gryphon spoke. Of all wolves, it had to be him. Of course. His brother seemed to love to start shit just like Lykos. They were both such a joy. As Gryphon verbally assaulted him, tried to make him seem like a fool, Dragon found his fur bristling and a snarl appearing, though before he could do or say anything, Kharnage leaped up to his defense. Green eyes never left Gryphon as Kharn laid it out on him, and sadly Dragon had to agree. Gryph hadn't shown up to the last meeting. So it wasn't Dragon's fault nor anyone else's but his own that he was out of the loop. Everything Kharn said was right, and Dragon couldn't have said it better himself. When he finished, Faine and Fern spoke up, the alpha taking into account what Faine said, though he'd dismiss it for now. Fern seemed as adamant as Kharnage, and after his mother, Dragon took the opportunity to speak.

Kharnage was right. Just because they were family, didn't mean he was going to keep taking Gryphon's bullshit. "Kharnage is right. Had you cared enough to be here at the last meeting, you would have known what was going on. I didn't force anyone to risk their lives, they volunteered. But you know what? I don't have to explain shit to you. I'm not going to stand here and let you do what you're doing, so from here on out, you're demoted to Omega." He snarled, tail lashing. While it was hard to make such decisions, Gryphon made it too easy. He didn't think his brother could be like this, but maybe Lykos had put him up to that he thought about it, that sounded logical. His eyes burned with ferocity. Lykos would pay for this shit too, maybe not right now, but he would. For now, he'd deal with Gryphon.

"On top of being insubordinate to your superiors, you've been shirking your duties more often than the pack needs, and haven't been training your apprentice, so thank to you, Sterling is behind on her training. I hope you're proud of yourself." He hissed. Without looking away, he added, "Those who are going to raid, we leave in the spring time. If you're going, speak now. If you're staying or wish to be part of the second party, tell me now. I don't have time to continue with this bullshit," His gaze went back to the crowd then, "Are we going to show our strength as a pack? Or sit here like lazy asses and wait for others to get us first? Because the way I see it, we're a fat rabbit waiting for someone to find us. Now nobody is getting killed, it's a raid for supplies, not a goddamned siege for a homeland. You're going to get a few cuts and bruises, but that's life. So what is it? Live to benefit yourself? Your family? Your home? Or let others walk all over you until there's nothing left?" He of course, wasn't going to wait. So they either chose now, or continued to do nothing. If they chose the latter, it wouldn't be pretty. "Remember, those who go may find themselves in a higher rank. I'd like for you all to start getting up there instead of sitting in the lower ranks forever..." He added that, wondering if that'd pique anyone's ambitious side enough, if at all.

OOC// there will be one more thread after this to gather those who are actually going to participate in the raid. basically a roll call, just a heads up <3


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.