
When Life Becomes Un-Bear-Able [Alarik]



3 Years
07-06-2017, 08:20 AM

Alarik followed as the woman altered their course, directing them more southwest to hopefully avoid a run in with the bear they'd scented. Of course, he didn't know it was a shortcut. On the contrary, he assumed it would make their journey a bit longer, and he was surprised to find that he still didn't mind. It was nice to have someone to consistently spend time with, instead of the usual wandering around, finding someone new, saying hello I'm Alarik it's nice to meet you and making small talk for a few minutes before parting ways again. And while his instincts still told him Pyralis wasn't the nicest and most compassionate woman, he found himself able to look past it. She was enjoyable company for him. As he was for her, hopefully.

In response to his question, Pyralis gave a slightly unnerving answer. She'd come face to face with a bear on a few occasions, evidently. And one of those occasions involved something called coyote ball. He interrupted her to ask, "What the heck is coyote ball?"

But then she finished her story, and he shook his head a bit as he chuckled. This woman was full of crazy stories. What a life she had lived so far. "No, I'm quite happy to say I've never run into a bear," he said in response, when she turned the question around on him. "I've seen a few from afar, but obviously I didn't trot up and say hello to them." He laughed, but then there was a sound. The snapping of a twig. Alarik fell silent, and froze just like Pyralis did. His ears pivoted every which way, trying to catch any sounds that might follow.

"Yeah, I heard it," he whispered. Something didn't feel right.

"Talk" "You" Think