
A Bright, New Future [joining thread]


06-29-2013, 10:32 PM

The King had started speaking as he regained the lead to take her deeper into Seracia. With perked ears and her slightly increasing better focused attention span, she intensely listened to what he described as her future home. The size of it, stretching for miles in all directions, made Aeil think of the future adventures she would have. Her paws already itched for the potential travels ahead of her, taking her to pieces of Seracia that hadn't been seen (by herself, of course). A friendly wag by her tail followed the train of thoughts and she kept the same pace with Gerhardt as those thoughts returned to their present walk.
"All of it sounds exciting, Gerhardt," she said in a dreamy tone. The faraway look in her eyes was enough evidence to prove that Aeil had been thinking of her future travels around the kingdom. "I hope that I get to see all of it, even if I see each part only once." Her positive outlook on the variety of Seracia land pieces made her more confident in that she would try her hardest.
As they continued to walk at a gentle pace, Aeil's eyes left Gerhardt and moved to the trees that stretched far and wide. She imagined green leaves, luscious and bright, on the currently naked branches that stretched up to the sky. A gentle wind would move those said branches, causing green ripples and waves of the breezes. Aeil thought of the warm weather, wrapping around the wolves that were her future family members. She thought of the river Gerhardt mentioned, running smoothly and making noises that would cause her ears to perk. Thoughts of pups (hers, maybe, or anyone else's) racing around the fields, playing hide-and-seek in the tall blades...All of these images racing in her mind made her grateful that she had chosen Seracia. She knew she wouldn't be disappointed.
