
Put A Ring On It Then Maybe We'll Talk


07-06-2017, 11:54 PM

It seemed a series of unfortunate events smiled upon her. The woman had been up North a few days ago, minding her own business, then a polar bear decided she'd make for an easy snack. Or at least, it had tried to make her into an easy snack. Despite the bears largeness, her fear had driven her move as fast as she could, but even she couldn't outrun it with the lack of a limb. It was only by her misfortune (or saving grace?) that she didn't pay attention and slipped into a breathing hole made by a seal. She had fallen in and swept up in the currents beneath the ice, the waters were frigid, but miraculously she had survived. Upon reaching the surface, she had managed to catch onto an old log aimlessly drifting in the water, and days later...she was here. Washed up on the shores of a place she didn't know. Was she even still in the same lands she had found not too long ago?

She was dazed. Wet. Cold. Wondering why the world hated her so damn much...If only I hadn't gotten separated from Nyko, none of this would be happening! She hated herself for the separation, but alas, she would be on her own for a while longer. Rosy colored eyes gazed upon the lands she had now reached, none of it familiar of course. It appeared she was near warmer lands, the snow and ice not touching this place. Where was she, exactly? Sighing, she struggled to her feet and shook herself free of the sea water and sand, the woman sitting a bit away from the tide that clawed at the earth. She needed to recover and recuperate, figure out what to do now...
