
Finally home :)


06-29-2013, 10:44 PM
A sound hit the mans ears and pulled him from his thoughts immediately. The sound of a single whimper had cot his attention and held it. He looked around the area to see if the one it came from was within view, but he or she was no where to be found. Several moments passed but it remained silent. Finally he guessed who ever it was had probably slipped on the ice and scared themselves. So, he continued to walk only now he was more aware of his surroundings than he had been.

Not long after he had started walking again, the whimper came again and again Luke's ears perked in the direction it came from. Apparently he had gotten closer to who ever it was coming from because it was louder this time. So he continued to walk in that very direction. It was good he was too, because a few moments later the sound of sobbing filled his ears.

The man quickly picked up his pace in fear that one of his pack mates had been injured. Then he saw the boy. The small black and white pup was unknown to him, he didn't smell of another pack either, yet he was alone and curled up in the snow crying. Carefully he walked up to the boy with concern on his face. His emerald green eyes met the aqua blue ones that looked out at him from behind his tail. "Are you ok little one?" his deep, rough voice filled the air and though deep and rough it was a caring tone he used.