
stomach to the floor

The Judge


06-29-2013, 10:51 PM
Eos vs. Gargoyle for Glaciem

Round 1


CLARITY: 10 / 10 Your post was clear.

POWERPLAYING: 10 / 10 No powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 6 / 10

I've given you full points for the lowered neck, battle-ready position, pinned ears, closed eyes and folded tail. For her balancing I have given you half points as I would recommend having equalized balance.

ATTACK: 6 / 10:

You've received full points for planning a two move attack but had points deducted for the closed eyes as a precise plan as used in the post would be difficult to pull off when the character can't see.

INJURIES: 10/ 10 No injuries, first round.

Round one Eos Total: 42 / 50


CLARITY: 10 / 10 Your post was clear.


It is somewhat unrealistic that the character could move from sitting, to standing, to shoving in such a short amount of time, especially given his stature and Eos' attack on his forelimb.

DEFENSES: 4 / 10

I've given you full points for your counter. Just as with Eos I reccommend having equalized balance and you've received half points for this. You have also received points for the position of Gargoyle's attack. However, no other efficient defenses were listed.

ATTACKS: 8 / 10

You've received full points for planning a multiple move attack.

INJURIES: 7 / 10

I've deducted an additional point for the injury on the forelimb as I believe Eos' attack should have had more damage than acknowledged due to Gargolye's sitting position.

Round one Gargoyle Total: 35 / 50

Round 2


CLARITY: 10 / 10 Your post was clear.

POWERPLAYING: 10 / 10 I found no powerplaying.

DEFENSES: 6 / 10

You've earned full points for tucked tail, pinned ears, closed eyes, tucked in jaw and attack-counter.

ATTACK: 6 / 10

You've received full points for a two move attack but some were deducted due to Eos' eyes being closed.

INJURIES: 8 / 10 Bite wound to the shoulder.

Round Two Eos Total: 40/ 50


CLARITY: 10/ 10 Your post was clear.

POWERPLAYING: 10 / 10 I found no powerplaying.


You've earned full points for your counter and position.

ATTACK: 10/ 10

You've received full points for a multiple move attack.

INJURIES: 6/ 10 Serious wound to forelimb.

Round Two Gargoyle Total: 40/ 50

Round 3
CLARITY: 10 / 10 Your post was clear.

POWERPLAYING: 9/ 10 Within the post actual injury regarding Gargoyle's scratching with his hind legs was not included though it was included in your ooc.

DEFENSES: 6 / 10

You've earned full point for both counters and pinned ears and closed/slit eyes.

ATTACK: 6 / 10

You've received full points for a multiple move attack. Some points were deducted for the moments that Eos' eyes were closed.

INJURIES: 6 / 10

Bite wound to the shoulder. Superficial wounds to neck/skull. Bruising/Scratching to stomach.

Round Three Eos Total: 37/ 50


CLARITY: 9/ 10 Multiple confusing typos.

POWERPLAYING: 7 / 10 The damage done to Gargoyle's forelimb would make it difficult to run as he is doing in this post. You also do not acknowledge realistic damage to his right eye which is open and defenseless when Eo's scratches at it

DEFENSES: 8 / 10

You've earned full points for open jaws, pinned ears, tucked chin and bunched neck. You've also earned full points for your counters.

ATTACK: 4 / 10

You've received full points for your planned attack.

INJURIES: 3 / 10

Serious wound to forelimb. Scratched right eye. Bite wound to scruff.

Round Three Gargoyle Total: 29/ 50

Round 4

CLARITY: 10 / 10 Your post was clear.

POWERPLAYING: 10 / 10 I found no powerplaying.

DEFENSES: 7 / 10

You've earned full points for low posture, balanced tail, narrowed eyes and pinned ears. Full points for counters. Partial points for balance (on hind legs).

ATTACK: 10/ 10

You've received full points for a multiple move attack.

INJURIES: 3 / 10

Bite wound to the shoulder. Superficial wounds to neck/skull. Bruising/Scratching to stomach. Second leision to scruff. Scratches on hind-limbs.

Round Four Eos Total: 40/ 50


CLARITY: 10 / 10 Your post was clear.

POWERPLAYING: 8 / 10 You again ignore the injured left forelimb.

DEFENSES: 5 / 10

You've earned full points for your counters and balanced weight.

ATTACK: 8/ 10

You've received full points for a two move attack.


Serious wound to forelimb. Scratched right eye. Bite wound to scruff. Bite wound to throat. Gash on underbelly.

Round Four Gargoyle Total: 31/ 50

Eos: 159/200


And the winner is...

EOS! Gargoyle must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Eos- Bite wound to the shoulder. Superficial wounds to neck/skull. Bruising/Scratching to stomach. Second leision to scruff. Scratches on hind-limbs.

Gargoyle- Serious wound to forelimb. Scratched right eye. Bite wound to scruff. Bite wound to throat. Gash on underbelly

I think you both did very well in this fight and had very innovative moves. Clash, you would have scored better if you had listed more defenses than just your counters. It is also important to acknowledge each other's attacks and to plan attacks reasonably. As in Gargoyle's injured forelimb and Eos' closed eyes.