
Just barely



4 Years
07-07-2017, 03:33 PM
Ganta listened as the other male came up with his questions. He was sure that Dragoste sounded average… but Ganta wasn’t trying to sell his pack as anything out of the ordinary. He wanted it to be a home for his friends and family, a place they could all feel safe. So long as they had that… things would be alright. “The pack name, as well as the ranking names, come from words in another language -- Romanian. I’ve always found things that are outside the norm to be fascinating… though you might imagine why. I’m not exactly a normal wolf myself.” He gave a knowing smile.

“As far as inter pack conflict… right now it’s hard to say. Ideally the Tier Three and above ranks would get together and listen to both sides of the story, talk together, and then pass judgement. Among ourselves, save for trying for higher ranks, I’d rather discourage internal fighting, you know? So for now that duty would fall upon me and my mate.” Ganta frowned at the next question, shifting uncomfortably before averting his gaze away from the brute.

“You look to be about my age or so… right? So maybe you’ve heard of the man…” Ganta’s voice was low, for he did not share this information lightly. “My father was the one who inspired me to go after a pack. The wolves of Boreas knew him as Sin Hellstrom.” Ganta shifted his gaze back to the brute, rising to a standing position.

“...though I’ve raised Dragoste from the ground… rather than taking it from another alpha as my father had.” Ganta’s ghostly white eyes narrowed slightly. Little did he know that this wolf was an ex-Imperium member… one of the ones that destroyed Hellstrom. “Make no mistake… I may share Sin’s blood, but I am not exactly like him. I will carve my own path through this life… and my pack will know more times of peace rather than war.” Ganta shook his head.

“...and if you don’t know… the old man is dead. He was slain in battle some time ago.” Ganta furrowed his brow. “I want to be the antithesis of my father’s pack. The things he stood for… the evils and immoralities… I want to protect my pack from them, and the other packs of Boreas as well.”

I'm here without you...