
Good day for death to strike

Sixx I


06-29-2013, 11:32 PM
Sixx had been treckibg through the snow silently. Being carefull not to be noticed. The scent of pups and the angel he'd traumatized earlier leading him. He crouched behind a fallen log as some pup's neared him. He considered just leaping and killing them in one bite. But he looked past them to see itburial running anf playing. And actualy smiling. He couldn't have that now could he?

She turned her back to him and tried throwing snow on a pup. Now was his chance. He glided to her and waited on her to turn around. The second she did he jammed both his lower cannine teeth into her eyesocets, permanantely blinding the young girl. Her screams promoted laughter as he grabbed the scruff of her neck and yanked, shaking anf pulling hard to rip it to shreds.?

The taste of her blood was sweet on his tounge. Her flesh seemed to taste candy. He grabbed her hind left leg and yanked, hearing a pop of dislocating joints and procieded to gash the others. He made quick work on her and turned to face the pups and Merci.?

"Alright" He growled. "I'm in control here. Anyone resists in any way and i kill h-" the girl had gotten up. Horrible mistake. He growled. The foolish girl was facing the wrong direction. She went to turn, leaving her vitals open ?and he struck. Suffocation her to, what he thought and what looked like, death.?

"nevermind. Now that she's dead if any of you resist ill kill her." he motioned tward Merci."?