
Let's Start A Riot! [Raid meeting]


07-08-2017, 12:30 AM
Fern had trouble holding back a grin as Dragon did exactly as she'd wanted-- he'd told the insolent fool off. Not only that, but demoted him to Omega status. A new wave of loyalty surged in Fern's very being. Yes, Dragon was younger than her, but he definitely knew what he was doing. He was a good leader. After multiple wolves called out to join the raid, Fern realized that there was no way she could stay behind and be part of the second party. It had been a long, long time since she'd felt the rip and tear of flesh under her teeth. Her decision was rock-solid even before Dragon hinted at promotions. This was her chance. The way things were going, she was going to outrank Gryphon (temporarily, but no matter) and many other wolves if she fought in the raid, and fought hard. Yes, she was going.
"I'm in. I want to be in the first party. Enemies beware." She added that last bit with a crooked grin and an unsettling glint in her eye. She knew her eyes were blazing gold with excitement, and was aware of every move she and the others made. Excitement, pride, and adrenaline were coursing through her veins.
Oh, she was going to make it known to Talis what she was.