
Ring Around The Rosie [Nyx]



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
07-08-2017, 06:41 PM
Turns out she didn't know the song, but Kai hadn't really expected her to either. He'd yet to meet anyone in these lands from the lands his father hailed from, let alone anyone who spoke that tongue. Still, he'd hoped that the song might spark some recognition but nothing in the stranger's face showed it meant anything to her. He shrugged, as though pushing the topic aside. The fact that she knew several different tongues though was interesting, and his ears flicked with curiosity at that fact. "Well - that's neat," he interjected, his words genuine despite their abruptness. Perhaps someday he might pick up on other languages, but two was plenty for him for now.

Her words were curious to him, and he found his brow furrowing tightly at her speculations. He'd heard of those creatures, the ones from long ago, who walked on two legs and manipulated the terrain. He'd seen various bits of their creations, strange things that he preferred to stay away from. Perhaps he was a bit superstitious, but they often felt like bad omens to him. This place, though, gave him a sense of calm he hadn't felt in awhile. "Nice to meet you, then, Pyralis," he offered with a wide, almost exuberant grin in her direction. Only briefly would his gaze seek out her own before resting on the runestones. "I'm a wanderer myself. Haven't spent much time in this place. But, this does seem like something made by the two-legged creatures." Kai wished he could say he was from the north - perhaps deep in his soul he belonged in the cold tundra, but he'd spent much of his life in the southern lands and to admit otherwise would be lying. "They're kind of nice to look at, though, don't you think?"