
That Place in Your Heart

Silent I


11 Years
06-30-2013, 01:31 AM

His nip to her tail made her gently yip, adding another bright smile to her face. Silent's laughter rang clearly into the brisk air, flowing with the wind and around each other's ears. She looked over her shoulder, slowing her pace and fully turning a whole one-eighty to face Bronze. "With your cunning mind and my amazing skills with catching fish, I think we could pull off a full grown tiger shark." Her eyes flashed with merriment as she watched him catch up to her. When he was within her reach, Silent nuzzled his cheek and gave him a lick, which cooled from the cool winds of the beach.
She enjoyed teasing him, letting him see a playful side of her that not many had witnessed over the years. Being herself in the open, with no one judging her, was something she didn't do very often. Silent and Bronze were alike in so many ways, it was uncanny. And yet, sometimes they were different people, but still connected. Fate definitely knew what she was doing when the star-crossed lovers reunited. Now, as they stood together on the beach, Fate also tossed hunger in their wake. As Silent kept her gaze with his, hunger rolled in her stomach again.
Her gaze broke and she looked down, then out to the ocean. She knew there was potential breakfast there, which caused her to look back at Bronze and say, "Lobster and crab...both sound amazing." Smiling softly, she pulled back and turned to face the distant shore. Her paws began to carry her towards the part of the beach that contained tide pools. Sometimes, however, those tide pools didn't contain the desired meals, so hunting deep in the waves would be an alternative. Silent didn't mind; as long as she knew Bronze would save her if she couldn't swim back, she was fine.
