
Heralds of Spring [Pack Meeting]



8 Years
07-08-2017, 08:51 PM (This post was last modified: 07-08-2017, 08:56 PM by Solveiga.)

Well, spring was definitely here now. Her body had finally noticed the change in seasons and had decided to make things extra difficult for her this time. Admittedly, it didn't help that she had spent the last few days close to the man she was in love with. It was like her hormones were kicking into overdrive. And today was worse than any day had been so far. The smell of her heat had been rolling off of her in waves this morning, so she'd quickly escaped to the nearest stream and had taken a good bath. Then, as her fur was drying, she found a few herbs and flowers that smelled nice and rolled in them. And that was why she wasn't quite as punctual as she could have been when she heard her mate calling for a meeting.

He had mentioned wanting to call another meeting together, she should have stayed close... but then she would have distracted everyone with her smell. Regulus wouldn't mind, after all she was by no means late. She just wasn't the first one to show up.

Actually, several members had already arrived, and this came as a happy surprise to her. It would make Regulus happy to see members being so prompt. And if he was happy, she was happy. Maybe it sounded sickeningly sweet, but she didn't care. She was in love, and happier than she'd ever been in her entire life. She wasn't about to be sorry for feeling this way. The cream colored woman trotted up to the meeting area, smiling at all those who had already arrived. And oh, there were pups here! Oh, they were so small, and so adorable... Solveiga let herself get distracted for a moment as she smiled down at the little ones. And a moment later, she felt a wave of warmth washing over her, as if her body was saying yes, aren't pups cute? you should have some of your own!

She had to suppress such thoughts, taking a deep breath and turning away to greet a couple of the members she was more familiar with. "Acapella, how are you?" she asked, trying to refrain from waving her tail because doing so would only spread her smell around. "Laisrén," she greeted, smiling as she dipped her head to the boy. "It's good to see you."

And then came the moment she was both eagerly anticipating and dreading at the same time. She lifted her baby blue eyes to the alpha, unable to fight the bright smile on her face or the twinge of desire deep in her belly. Both came simultaneously. "Good morning Regulus," she said softly, and this time her tail wagged of its own accord. Oh, of course it did. Stupid hormones. The little healer tried not to look too flustered as she found a place to sit not far from Regulus and the boulder on which he was sitting. This was not going to be a fun day for her. Hopefully no one else could tell what a mess she was. She tried to appear as calm and collected as possible while on the inside she was kind of losing it.