
Spring Fever[Meeting]



4 Years
07-08-2017, 11:25 PM

Lionel had made sure to stick close to home lately. Their birthday had finally come around and he couldn't help but feel excitement about it. They were three already! That meant Heather was stepping up as Queen and he couldn't help but feel immensely proud of his sibling. She'd worked so hard to prepare for the position that she was nothing less than deserving of it. So he'd been doing his best to pull his own weight by patrolling the borders constantly. He hadn't forgotten the intruder he'd smelled before the last meeting, hence his tardiness, and had doubled his patrols. If anyone slipped across the borders without him now then he'd be convinced they were magic.

He hadn't missed the new pack near the home either. At first confusion had set in considering he'd never met Ganta, but Roza's scent was clear so the irritation quickly wore off. It'd been some time since he'd seen his pale sister and he missed her presence. At least now he had an easy way to visit her when he wanted with the added bonus with one less border to patrol as frequently. He still couldn't help but pass by it though. He didn't know this wolves in this male's pack, but none had trespassed which was a relief. At least it had double the protection now.

Heather's howl stopped him mid patrol. Ivory colored ears flicked towards the noise before a soft smile crossed his face. She was calling her first meeting! At least he wouldn't be late to this one. The male padded towards the meeting place with a grin on his face. He greeted his father first with a friendly tail wag and then flashed Archelaus and Tib a polite nod before he padded over to Heather. He attempted to nuzzle her cheek for a moment before taking a seat beside her as he waited for others to file in.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: Hr8G61Z.png]