
Wake up and fight again


07-08-2017, 11:38 PM
He watched her turn to him and study him just as he studied her. His eyes leveled her nuetrally. It seemed no one else would come to fight her and he flicked his tail in disapproval of this. He had wanted to watch a fight and see if the victor wouldn't join him. When she turned to face him though his hackles immediately bristled. She looked like Arian had and that shit wasn't cool. He let out a growl as she came nearer to him. She didn't smell like one though. But that could just be a trick of theirs now. Enigma would of likely jumped her then and there but not Riker. No. She was asking for a bloodbath and he smirked. "I'll not waste my energy fighting you. I've real enemies to fight and wars to wage. But that also takes warriors. I'm seeking the finest of them, ones that don't mind fighting for vengeance and for conquering packs about the land." he flicked an ear. He was watching her reaction to this.

If she craved blood, what better way to satiate that then to follow a bloody king? He had laid his offer on the table subtly he thought. Would she know she likely turned on kin to join him? No. Did he care? No.