
Giving Them A Future

Clay I


5 Years
Dire wolf
07-09-2017, 01:01 PM

He had remained in the grove since that day he crossed her path. He hadn't planned to especially with the heat that Auster's summer was having, but he remained in the territory and nearby the territory. He hadn't heard from her and was beginning to grow concerned. Had the male been nearby the day of their conversation and heard of the potential plan? Had he killed her after she had given birth and Clay was at fault for the end of her life? It had made him sick to his stomach to think so. He had known vary little of Kait, but he felt himself sick with worry since the day they had met. Maybe it was just as easy that she had changed her mind and decided to stay with the king? Huffing the large male shook out his fur and strode on.

The season had changed and the drought these lands had been suffering from had ended. His time alone had given him more information about Auster and he had discovered that a pack lived not far from here. Though it could provide protection it may be to close to the king Kait would be trying to get away from so Clay was left with trying to figure out more options so he would be prepared if he would find him again. Now that it was cooler Clay had been working hard to get himself into shape again to be prepared if he would have to face the demon king.

The male was just returning to the grove from hunting, a decent sized fawn in his jaws. He wasn't that hungry, but he had planned to bury it and to save it for later. He was headed back towards the area he had been staying in before a familiar, yet different scent caught his attention. Ears perked as he placed the prey on the ground and sniffed at the air. It was Kait and the scent of new mother and milk was mixed in with her own, something he recognized from growing up with his family clan. So she had taken his offer? He was curious and picked up the prey before fallowing her scent trail.

It led him to a den and the male stood by the entrance staring into the darkness of the hole. Setting the prey down again he sniffed the ground around the den catching to more scents by the entrance. These to scents were strange to him and had not been the same faint smell Kait had carried on her fur at their first meeting. Someone else had met up with Kait, not the demon king. Eyes narrowed before he slipped away from the den doing a quick search of the perimeter to be sure no one else was here. Then he returned to the entrance of the den and looked towards the entrance of the den again.

"Kait," he deep vocals quietly called down into the den, wondering if she had really taken his plan to heart.

"Clay Talk", & 'Clay Think"