
stomach to the floor

Gargoyle I


06-30-2013, 07:08 AM


(ooc: permission given by Yumpy for slight powerplay before Gargoyle goes down)

The northern beast charged. He attacked. He had the smaller fae's cranium in his jaws- but at the first, swift, movements of his own head, something snapped in his mind. It was like someone had opened up a wound in the back of his own skull and let everything, his focus, his balance, his strength, all drain away. He tried shaking his head - it was just a head ache right? A bit of minor concusion maybe? He'd kept fighting with far worse!

But it didn't go away. It got worse - it wasn't really pain (Gargoyle knew how to fight through pain), it was... emptiness.

Gargoyle reeled back, releasing any hold he had. It was the wound in his leg! The bitch had snagged an artery! And the idiot he was - he hadn't noticed, he'd just kept using that leg. He'd left a zigzagging trail of red around the chosen arena, and now, as half glazed as swung round, he could see it standing out in boldest color. He'd been so close... her skull within his teeth...but now?

The giant swayed, made one last movement with a foreleg to try to steady himself, and then came crashing down.

The world swam in a fog before his eyes. Maybe he should've been experiencing sensations of guilt or fear or failure or anger- hell, anything. But there just wasn't enough juice in him anymore to even think probably. He'd been going full power for too long and all of a sudden, everything was sapped from him. He couldn't even feel his legs anymore. Only by sheer will power was he keeping himself from completely giving in to the darkness. He couldn't pass out now, if he did, he'd probably never wake up.

The Chief was laid out prone at the challenger's paws. This day, the fates were against the brute who fought for his home.

He'd lost.
