

Kane I


Dire wolf
07-09-2017, 07:58 PM
The guilt riddled in the child's face in front of him nearly made him feel bad, but he reminded himself that it was in this kid's best interest to learn how to be stealthier when wandering alone. He watched Tyranis cower almost, and then suddenly spring up with newfound pride. The change of pace in the strange pup's personality took him for a bit of surprise, but he continued to listen.. his ears flicking as the coal black teen settled to his haunches to hear him out.

Half of his attention was on the one in front of him, the other half was on their surroundings.. he really hoped nothing heard them while the kid was out here shouting about his royal lineage. By the end of it, Kane couldn't help but roll his eyes. The child was sitting there, snarling to himself and angry. In all honesty, Kane bought his story.. this little punk was acting quite spoiled and fit the definition of a prince well. For now, the little lie wasn't questioned.

"Again, a bear won't care who you are or what you're supposed to be when you grow up. Right now, all a bear would care about is the crunch value of your bones, so chill out! Got it?!" His words were hushed, hissing through clenched teeth. He looked around behind Ty, scanning the area before glancing back to the darkness of the cave. Nothing but the wind rustling a the new leaves of spring. He sighed in relief after a moment, providing his present company decided to stay quiet for that time.

"It won't be long before your family comes looking for you, heir of Abababa. Come inside and be quiet, hopefully nothing else will know you are here until then. In the morning, though.. you are on your own. I'm only here for the night." His tone got a lot softer toward the end as he looked to Ty, getting up off his bum so that he could turn around and face into the cave. He glanced back to Tyr, secretly hoping he hadn't been mean enough to scare him off. He wouldn't be able to deal with the guilt, as he was certain this little loud mouth would end up a meal. Well, maybe he needed to show some sort of.. normalness. "My name is Kane, and unlike you- I'm a nobody so I really have to look out for myself out here. Try not to give away my presence, okay?"

When you're taught to love everyone,
To love your enemies,
Then what value does that place on love?