
We are made from broken parts



4 Years
Extra large
07-10-2017, 05:43 AM

Well this wasn't awkward at all. Being trapped in a place with a strange and nervous female wasn't his idea of a good time and it was making him anxious. An involuntary shudder left him as a cold chill went up his spine. He really wasn't fond of the north and its temperatures and coming up here in the dead of winter hadn't been a bright idea on his part. He was just lucky he'd found this place, awkwardness or not, or else he hated to think what he'd look like now. Probably stuck, buried in layers and layers of snow, freezing to death. Spring would eventually roll around and he'd thaw out from being a living icicle and Delaney would never see him again.

He stopped walking and ears flicked towards the woman as she introduced herself and her kid. If it'd been under normal circumstances he was sure that he would have enjoyed meeting them both, but his life was hardly normal anymore.

For the most part Mortar occupied his eyes by looking around him by pretending to be interested in his surroundings. Really only one question burned into his mind. What had happened to her leg? Had someone or something bit it off? The thought made him sick to his stomach. Who would do that? He understood a fight for survival, but it seemed like biting her leg off would have been nothing but malicious. She hadn't been hostile to him yet, not really, and she was tiny and as nervous as him. He couldn't see her getting into any kind of fight.

"Um..." He started off, inwardly cringing as he turned to look at her again. "Can I ask what happened to your leg?" He couldn't stop the curiosity.

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[Image: OLU8WZY.png]