
Idols And Anchors [Fight Training]



5 Years
07-10-2017, 09:30 AM
ooc: So this is just training for fledglings, though anyone else is welcome to attend if you want. First round is due July 20th! There will be no sparring with the upcoming raid, just a quick thread for skill points (if we can get that far in rounds) and so the apprentices will have some knowledge before the raid starts.

Kharnage was getting more than a bit antsy as spring progressed. Surely Dragon would be calling them all together to leave soon. Hopefully Gryphon hadn't managed to make him change his mind about raiding? He didn't think so, but it was always so hard to tell. At least enough members had still been interested at the meeting. Maybe ten or so? That was certainly more than enough for a raiding party. He wanted to go already and kick some ass. It was really his main motivation with the supplies for Talis being his second.

Then of course it brought on the thought, how prepared were the fledglings? He knew some of them were two years old now, old enough to take a rank, and yet their lack of training prevented them. Part of that had been his fault. He had been assigned Greed, and yet he'd forgotten all about training the kid. Whoops. He felt a fair amount of guilt for it, but Kharn had done alright without a mentor for the longest time. He'd figured things out on his own.

Still now was his time to make up for it. He found a relatively dry and flat spot. Most of the grass here was dead and flat so it would allow a comfortable spot to sit. He let loose a howl summoning the pack. Sparring had been an entertaining thought, but he figured that beating each other up would ruin the raid for some. No use going into a serious battle with other wounds from previous fights. No, today would just be going over the basics. Defenses and where to attack mattered and maybe, just maybe, he could give some good tips on where to maim a wolf at if it boiled down to it.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
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[Image: 0GsPiXm.png]