

Kane I


Dire wolf
07-10-2017, 09:51 PM (This post was last modified: 07-10-2017, 10:01 PM by Kane I.)

There was a slight feeling of relief that came when Ty eventually did follow. Kane had thought for a moment that he'd insulted him too much, which really was honestly more than he had intended to. Kane did not suffer from many of the same ailments others in his mysterious bloodline did, but he did inherit quite the temper from his father's side. Luckily, he had his compassionate side to go with it. He really wanted to keep this stranger safe, but that was a secret he'd keep to himself.

When the question came on hushed tones, Kane's black pillars perked on top of his skull while those ruby ears searched for the other male in the dark. He was appreciative that Ty was trying to remain quiet, heeding his warning. They didn't have a pack to defend them out here, they were all alone.. so they needed to be careful. He'd set out on this journey to relieve his mother from worry about their missing sibling, not break her heart by hearing about their deaths. Still, he knew it was a possibility...

"Scavenging mainly, that's it." It was a lie, but there was a lot more drama revolving around the real reason he was out here than he wanted to admit to Ty just yet. He left his answer short as he settled down a few yards into the cave behind a curve in the hall, allowing them to rest with a bit of light from the entrance but be hidden from view. Kane curled back up, bringing his limbs in toward his body for warmth since his coat was so damn short, but it wasn't until now that he caught a whiff of something vaguely familiar. In fact, it vaguely remembered Kane of his siblings and himself.

He wasn't sure what to make of the similarity he held to Ty's own scent, so he simply remained quiet.. but he found himself searching the boy's features.. maybe painting him red instead of his darker coloration.. maybe more like Miach. Actually.. there was quite a resemblance there... so much of one that Kane nearly froze as a sensation of vertigo came over him.

He'd always been curious about his father, but he never dared to ask his mother. It didn't really matter anyway, did it? He had her and he was incredibly thankful for that, didn't matter if there was another parent in the picture or not. Though.. who wouldn't be curious about their lineage? Was Abaven in bonds with Lirim somehow? Perhaps he'd have to open up to Ty a bit afterall... at least to sate his own curiosity.

"Heeyy, does Abaven have ties with Lirim at all, does it?" He tried his best not to make it awkward, but the vibe Kane was giving off was probably more than a little awkward. The whole thing was slightly uncomfortable, in all honesty. He had to remind himself that he was probably wrong. What were the chances of running into family you've never heard of in the grand expanse of Boreas?

When you're taught to love everyone,
To love your enemies,
Then what value does that place on love?