
Holding power



5 Years
Dire wolf

07-11-2017, 04:50 PM (This post was last modified: 07-11-2017, 04:55 PM by Amon.)

She claimed it was a jest and little more. Privately, Amon did not find her sense of humor much to laugh at, but he had greater tact than to say it. At least that made one of them. Soured by the way their meeting had gone thus far, he was irked further by his sister's nonchalance. Who could ever guess how Pyralis would feel on a given day, he mused bitterly. The fact that Skia seemed interested in joining them and their purpose was somewhat alleviating, even if he found it difficult to put much faith in her so far. At least she wouldn't be useless.

Her questions seemed pointed, as if she had gathered some manner of intel before arriving. Amon's ears perked, but he would sit on that thought until it ripened. He opened is mouth to say similarly, that whatever she could eat was whatever she could catch, until Pyralis beat him to it. He chuckled under his breath, and to his sister replied, "I will fell the beast myself if only to get you to quit badgering me about it. Though you are right, its far past time for my children to return from their ventures and show me what they have accomplished. Perhaps the time for that hunt has come at long last." He tossed the idea over in his mind for a moment longer before returning his attention to Skia.

Perhaps he ought to give the woman a fair chance. He himself had been as frigid at two years as he was then, if less refined, but thoughts of his other siblings allowed him to begin rationalizing her brash behavior. Perhaps she simply needed a chance to live up to all she seemed confident of... Time would tell. "Pyralis speaks truly. I've been the last few moons calling our family to arms. We've made a study of this realm, and I believe it to be the seat of power we deserve." He lifted his chin, a reaction of pride he could not control, nor was even conscious of. "It is wide and varied, plentiful and clearly touched by divine influence. Any Abraxas willing to live by the family name, uphold the will of the Fallen God and stay true to their kin are welcome to join us in the war to come." It was a hefty promise for some to make, he believed. So many touched by the Fallen God would rather use their strength to feed selfish urges, to quest senselessly after mortal power. Amon wanted more, and he always had. He wondered if Skia felt the same.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!