
The Same old Song and Dance


06-30-2013, 10:11 AM

The dame listened to the cream coloured female, the joy in every nuance of her voice as she spoke of her betrothed. Cherokee. Such an interesting name, she would have to meet him. A sly grin curved her lips to reveal her pearl razors as a thought came to her mind. She would attend this wedding, but without Song's knowledge, and surprise her. Yes. She would do that. It was never hard to find out where a wedding was, you just follow scents, sounds, and emotions. Aurora had been to more than one wedding, being the Beta's daughter. She knew what she was looking for.

The off white woman's question caught her slightly off guard, as none really bothered to dig that far into the icy temptresses shell of secrets. Parting her powerful, dainty jaws, she was about to answer when a familiar clicking of ungulates cloven hooves stopped her. Not a muscle moved, she was still as stone. She signalled her partner to be still as well, her entire frame lowering impossibly close to the ground as she stalked forwards. With her training, she knew every way to kill a wolf, making a mule deer such as this simple. One paw in front of the other, slow, silent, she made her way closer, pure angelic derma making her invisible in the powdery snow. Even her silver eyes were nearly invisible. All that could possibly give her away was her ebony nose, but she kept it too low to be noticed, her ravens feathers were half buried in the snow.

She was close enough now, and flicked her tail to signal to Song that she was going for it. Leaping upwards, springing into the air with the grace of a cat and the height of a fleeing bird, she was off. Of course the creature ran, but she took two metre bounds through the snow, moving fast as lighting on her long legs. She caught up quickly, tongue lolling with the thrill of the kill. She nipped at it's heels, prodding it to move faster and tire itself out. Sure enough, it took the bait. The brown cervine entity began to slow, and the demoness tore a chunk of flesh from it's heels. Falling back, she waited for her companion to finish it off, an honor the former assassin usually saved for herself. Her breath came quick and lively, heart pounding with adrenaline, moonstone orbs glimmering with joy. She walked at her normal pace, fast and long strides, and waited for Song to finish it off.