
Good day for death to strike

Sixx I


06-30-2013, 04:03 PM
Six gave a dark growl as a pup latched himself onto his shoulder and tried his hardest to tear him appart. Wasn't working for him too well because the only result was afew ?very minor scratches. He turned his head and grabbed the little brat by the scruff of his neck roughly and tossed him back with ease.?

"You little bastard." he snarled. His bloody aresnal of well used, jagged teeth showed through his black lips. His muzzle wrinkling manacingly. He closed the gap between him and the pup in less than two strides. His head held low ready to crush the pup in his jaws.

Just as his steel trap teeth were about to clamp down on the tiny baby he was swept to the side by a brutal attack. He yelped as he hit the snow. He attempted to get up but was rammed again with more rage and fury. He kept trying to fight back but awaken was too fast.?

He soon found himself procariously pinned on a steak. Fear rushed through his mind. "W-wait! If you kill me now, you'll never know of your past. It'll die with me and when sacrement comes you'll be dead!" He placed a foot on Awaken's chest trying to push him back. "king nexium. Pl- gaah!" he was rammed back on the steak. He screeched in pain and rage before all the breath escaped him. And death finaly took him.?

[ sixx.: Die]