



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
07-13-2017, 10:21 AM
Justices gaze had dropped to the ground as her howl tapered off and she settled in to wait. It didn't take long though before the rustle of pawsteps heralded someone's approach and raised her purple eyes again. It was a male, unsurprisingly a stranger to her though his cinnamon brown coat bore the unmistakable stamp of the classic Ancora markings. Not the triangular tear-marks, though, undoubtedly because he hailed from a different branch of the family tree. He was put of breath, as though he had run to not keep her waiting, something she might have appreciated more if she wasn't too mentally exhausted to think. The creature who followed him earned a much more curious study before she answered him though - she had never seen a big spotted cat like that before. Cougars yes, enough to know to avoid them, but no spotted cats.

Finally realizing she had been staring blankly at the cat for long enough to have been rude, she shook herself out of the dazed stupor with faint irritation. The cat wasn't so fascinating as to have captured her attention so long, though she was interested, but rather she had blanked out for a moment. She was just so... tired. But every time her eyes threatened to close she could see what had happened, and that shivery-tingly feeling started to spread through her limbs and her chest beneath the numbness... she was half-surprised to feel her muzzle twitch half into a snarl at the thought.

But she brought herself to focus on the male who had come to greet her. "My name is Justice Ancora," she told him, in a voice flat and slightly off. "My father is Creed Ancora." Was. "I was told we had relatives in this pack that he was close to. I'm looking for them. I came to let them know..." She inhaled a sharp, pained breath, then slowly let it out. "I came to tell them that my father is dead." Dead. Her father, dead. The numbness shivered around her. She fixed the male with a gaze as flat as her voice. "He was murdered by a female wolf from the far north. We think she partners with another wolf, a big male, greater than eleven paws tall. He raped one of our pack's females in the same area and she remembered him talking about his mate. They were cannibals." Her voice didn't change as she imparted this knowledge to the male, though her lip did twitch into another unconscious snarl. "The female tried to kill my brother too, but he escaped, badly injured. I thought I should let my father's family know, and warn your alpha so your pack is safe."

Ooc: I figured paws as being the same distance as hands, like the measurement of a horse, so about four inches.