
The beast is the beauty


07-13-2017, 01:17 PM
He moved out of the den and into the clearing. His dual colored eyes passed over the clearing and settled upon the way father always went. He knew mother's rule of not leaving the clearing but he intended to test the limits. Mother wanted that he was certain. He looked back at the den and then sat. To push mother was a game of chance. Some days she was hard to anger, others he was sure she would eat him if he messed up. He looked back out at the clearing then. He wasn't sure today was the day, but on one paw if he didn't perhaps none of his siblings ever would either and he would never figure out who was a good second and who was the best submissive, or omega. Then on another paw, if he didn't then perhaps he'd make his siblings see how obedient he was and they would strive to be just like him. He wanted obedience from them and submission but also wanted to defy his parents to see how they reacted.

His tail twitched as he thought this out. He also needed to see each of his siblings and determine how each of them were in relation to him. Whether or not they would follow him was yet to be determined. Lyle already was earning his ire, and his need to dominate her was strong. He almost wanted to remind her how deadly her older brother could be.