
Heralds of Spring [Pack Meeting]



10 Years
Athena I
07-13-2017, 04:02 PM

Baine only barely heard the call from her brother from where she was just beyond the pack's borders. She sighed at herself and hurried to make it to the meeting on time. This was becoming a consistent thing of not being where she needed to be. She didn't notice how often she was away from the pack until moments like this. She didn't quite sprint to get to the usual meeting place, but there was definitely a jog to her step. Baine spent so much time trying to find some kind of motivation or to even figure out what she was supposed to be doing, but she kept coming up with nothing. She remembered Regulus telling her that they were going to go on trips to the other packs and she had been really excited about that idea, but so far nothing had come of it. What good was her rank if she wasn't doing anything with it?

As these thoughts went through her head she grew more and more reluctant to go to the meeting, but her paws carried her there dutifully all the same. There were lots of pups there to her surprise and that was at least a little bit of a pleasant surprise. Baine found a place to sit toward the back of the group, but closer to Solveiga than the others. She looked up to Regulus for a moment, but eventually she let her gaze wander again while she waited for the meeting to begin. It was beyond obvious that something was going on between him and Solveiga from how they were looking at eachother and Baine surprised even herself with the bit of jealousy she felt. Of course Regulus was older so it would make sense that he would find a mate before she did, but... It still felt like she hadn't had anyone even bat an eye in her direction. She sighed and let her eyes sink to her paws and left them there until Regulus began to speak.

"Talk" "You" Think